...; 2) Daniel in the Lion's Den, both inscribed 10.B in the right lower corner, pen drawings heightened in white on tinted paper; 3) The Assumption of the Virgin with ... Saints, attributed to F Solimena, pen and ... wash; 4) H. L Figure of a Shepherd, probably for an Adoration, pen & ... Attributed to Cornelis de Waal; 5-6) Two heads of Men with long beards, red chalk, formerly in the ... Collection, attributed by Hind to ?Joachim Sandrast; 7) A Stag, Stan..., German, about 1570. Inscribed with a monogram ... from Durer's, watercolour & bodycolour. Part of a gift to nine museums by Rachael Leighton through the Art Fund in 1940.
WILLIAMS WYNN collection.