
Creative Embroidery

10 June 2024
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Develop your creative abilities through the simple, mindful process of creating freeform designs of charming fabric collages

You will be introduced to basic stitches and will experiment with a range of beautiful recycled and repurposed natural fabrics and threads. Enjoy the journey of creating while simultaneously producing a well-designed work, framed in an embroidery hoop, to take away. Our colour palette and materials will be inspired by one of the rooms of the museum.

This will be a relaxed workshop suitable for all abilities.

Duration of workshop 2 hours.

What’s included? All materials provided. Tea and coffee will be available.

Suitable for 16 years old and above.

Note: The workshop space is accessible via lift. If you have any access needs please let us know so we can support you in any way possible.

About the Artist

Karen Woodfield is a visual artist based in Bath. She focuses on the creative process, materiality and experimentation in her art practice. Karen has extensive experience in teaching arts and crafts and is skilled in supporting both beginners and experienced crafters. She particularly enjoys working in heritage settings and designing bespoke workshops.

This listing is supplied by one of our museum partners and is not moderated by Art Fund.

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IndividualTiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

Visitor information


No.1 Royal Crescent

1 Royal Crescent, Bath, Somerset, BA1 2LR
01225 428126

Opening times

Tuesday to Sunday, 10am - 5pm

Except Christmas, Boxing and New Year's Day

Last admission 4.00pm


National Art Pass members qualify for a 50% discount on ticket prices, use ARTFUND2022 code upon check out if booking online. You must bring your card with you when you visit to validate your museum ticket.

Visitor information

IndividualTiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

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