1) Lion sejant spoon by Robert Wade I of Taunton, stamped with the maker's mark RW three times on the back of the stem; 2) Apostle spoon by Christopher Roberts of Bridgewater, initials TS and IH and 1672 pricked on the disc nimbus, maker's mark CR over a mullet and within a shield stamped twice on the back of the stem; 3) Apostle spoon by John Smith of Taunton, initials RW and MC pricked on the nimbus, later armorial incised on the back of the bowl (possibly pertaining to the Procter family), Taunton town mark stamped in the bowl, maker's mark IS stamped twice on the back of the stem; 4) Plain trefid spoon pricked with the initial A on the back of the terminal, struck in the bowl and twice on the stem with maker's mark comprising a coronet above a fleur-de-lys (identified as belonging to John Elderton of Frome).

Artists include


4) Paterson Collection; Christie's, 1998. 1) - 4) acquired at various auctions, mainly in the West Country by J H Bourdon-Smith.

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