Are you ready for crowdfunding?

Rate each of the six statements below in terms of whether you agreement or disagree


Fundraising with the public

I have experience raising money from the public and feel confident about fundraising

Disagree Agree

Public appeal

I am confident that I have two or three ideas that will appeal to the public

Disagree Agree

Online funding

I have access to an online audience or I am working in partnership with others who do

Disagree Agree

Working with artists

I am working with an artist of partner and they are happy to crowdfund to make the project happen

Disagree Agree

Stakeholder buy-in

Senior management and trustees are on-board with the idea of crowdfunding

Disagree Agree

Funding goals

I have a clear sense of how much money we need to raise for the project to be a success

Disagree Agree
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