Group portrait of a family in an interior, possibly the Roubel family
Stephen Slaughter, c. 1755

The painting is a conversation piece of a family in an interior and gives a sense of the people depicted, their time, their values and tastes. The interior is modest in scale, but combines elaborate items like the rococo mirror with plainer items like the claw table and baluster chairs. The flooring could be marble but is perhaps a rare representation of a floor cloth, a form of floor-covering that was very common in the parlours and dining rooms of the Middle Classes. The Geffrye Museum specialises in the study of the homes of the English, urban middle classes. Representations of domestic interiors are a key source of evidence for understanding this area.
More information
Title of artwork, date
Group portrait of a family in an interior, possibly the Roubel family, c. 1755
Date supported
Medium and material
Oil on canvas
63.5 x 76.2 cm
Total cost

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