Grave goods from two cremation burials
Unknown artist, c. 1–150

Approximately 150 objects from two adjacent cremation burials, the larger of a man and the smaller of a female relative (suggested by the sharing of 'sets' of bronze). Includes pair of penannular silver brooches and linking chain; two cast bronze wine jugs; a further 12 bronze vessels including dishes, bowls, flagons, patellae, lamp and 'wine strainer'; 10 glass vessels; 14 Samian Ware pottery bowls and dishes; lion-headed studs and rings from a casket; and 35 iron/steel arrowheads. The burials illustrate the luxury of possessions of what is thought to have been a family of client aristocrats, perhaps living in a villa at Wheathampstead.
More information
Title of artwork, date
Grave goods from two cremation burials, c. 1–150
Date supported
Medium and material
Silver, bronze, iron, ceramic, glass
Total cost

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