Fiona Tan is an internationally renowned Indonesian artist who works in the Netherlands and is best known for her skilfully produced photography, video and film. Disorient is a large scale double screen HD installation where the two screens are hung on opposite walls. One projection shows the filmed set with an ambient and suggestive soundtrack. The other projection shows a montage of recent news/current affairs footage with the voice-over of excerpts from Marc Polo’s Travels. The first screen is larger with a clearly audible soundtrack while the soundtrack to the second screen can only be heard by standing underneath hanging speakers. Disorient explores perceptions of ‘the oriental’ in relation to issues such as colonialism, identity, human history, myth and war. Presented by the Art Fund through Art Fund International.
More information
Title of artwork, date
Disorient, 2009
Date supported
Medium and material
Two channel HD video installation with sound
Total cost

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