
Prospect Cottage needs you now

111% funded
£3,868,227.18 raised
£3,500,000 target
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Your help can now go twice as far

7 Feb 2020

We’ve seen amazing support for the campaign so far, with over 3,000 generous donors rallying to the cause. But there's still a way to go to reach our target, and as you’re among our most dedicated supporters of the campaign, we’re calling on your help in spreading the word.

The loss of Prospect Cottage would be a sad blow to Britain’s cultural heritage and a lost opportunity for artists and public alike. Unless we raise the funds needed, it will almost certainly be bought by a private buyer, putting in jeopardy both its preservation and its benefit to future generations.

In response to this and in an effort to get us even closer to our goal, until Monday 10 February a generous Art Fund supporter will be matching every donation to the #SaveProspectCottage campaign made online, pound for pound. That means a donation this weekend will have double the impact.

So if you know someone who’s been thinking about donating, now’s the time to encourage them. A gift of any size can make a big difference!

‘Prospect Cottage is a living, breathing work of art, filled with the creative impulse of Derek Jarman at every turn,’ says Art Fund director Stephen Deuchar, as a reminder of what’s at risk. ‘It’s imperative we come together to save the cottage, its contents and its extraordinary garden as a source of creative inspiration for everyone.’

‘Prospect Cottage became a place of pilgrimage, not by design but rather by the sheer force of what Derek Jarman represented to so many of us,’ reflects artist Tacita Dean. ‘Derek found solace and community in this weatherworn place and harvested its harsh beauty to make his beloved garden and his books, films and paintings. In so doing, he gave us a part of his discovery and infectious spirit of creative adventure, which we now have the opportunity to protect and cherish for future generations.’

‘Prospect Cottage is a work of art that has become a national treasure,’ adds Isaac Julien. ‘As an artist and Art Fund trustee, I am incredibly excited and moved by the campaign to make Prospect Cottage and its garden Jarman’s most iconic artwork – one to inspire the next generation as he did mine.’

Help us get the word out and encourage friends to join the campaign by sharing And if you're posting on social media, you can use the hashtag #SaveProspectCottage.

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