
Prospect Cottage needs you now

111% funded
£3,868,227.18 raised
£3,500,000 target
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We’ve reached 100%, thanks to you

31 Mar 2020

A big thank you to all our funders

We are delighted to announce that the campaign to save Prospect Cottage has just reached its £3.5 million target! To everyone who donated, an enormous thank you - we couldn't have done it without you.

Though we've now reached our target, the campaign doesn't close until midnight tonight, so there is still time to show your support if you or someone you know would still like to receive one of our exclusive rewards. Every pound raised will support the future of Prospect Cottage.

It's been quite a journey from the launch in January, when Tilda Swinton, Tacita Dean, Howard Sooley and other friends and artists gathered to kickstart the campaign. So, on reaching our target we wanted to share a note from Tilda to say thank you:

‘When we first launched this appeal, we were throwing ourselves into the void in the hope and faith that others might feel, as we do, that seeds planted with love make for a resilient and sustaining garden, even one grown amongst stones.

‘What could be a clearer indicator of our collective commitment to a rich and inspiring future than this phenomenal response?

‘When Derek initiated the project of making of this little house on the shingle the unique and magically empowering space it has come to be, not only for him, but for so many of us, it was at a time of intense uncertainty and fragility in his own life.

‘That our casting the net of our appeal to keep this project alive has coincided with the phenomenal global challenge to community with which we are currently faced - and that that net has still come in so full of bounty - has only served to prove how invaluable this vision of future is to us all.

“If men had postponed the search for knowledge and beauty until they were secure, the search would never have begun.” (CS Lewis)

‘I am profoundly moved and grateful for the unmistakable triumph of fellowship and spirit that this answered call represents. We have not only preserved the flame but forged a new community in the process. What could be more perfect a gesture in Derek's name - or a happier arrow to cast ahead.'

- Tilda Swinton, March 2020

Look out for the full story tomorrow. Thank you once again for your support.


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