
Help transform our new helical staircase into an everlasting artwork

Leighton House
151% funded
£26,050 raised
£17,300 target
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Thank you for helping us reach 153%!

20 Nov 2020

💙💙💙 A giant thank you to our 217 funders, who have very generously given to our campaign to #CreateOneness, and to all of you who have helped share our story - we could not be more grateful.

With your incredible help, we have not only reached our target for Oneness, but exceeded it! With more than £26,000 raised, we will be able to provide Shahrzad Ghaffari with everything she needs to make her spectacular mural a key feature in Leighton House's new spaces. We are incredibly excited to make this project a reality and welcome you all next year to unveil the result.

Until then, you can follow all news and exciting updates on Leighton House🏡 in our social media channels (@leightonhousemuseum), our website, and our e-newsletter. We also wanted to share Shahrzad's own message to all of you:

And finally, If you chose a reward with your donation, we will be working with the team at Art Fund, the artist and our suppliers to get your exclusive rewards made and delivered to you in spring 2021. Please note that those linked to the creation of the staircase and Shahrzad's stay in London will be fulfilled next summer. Do look out for further updates here about when you can expect to receive them.

Thank you again for your support and understanding, we can't wait to welcome you all to the 'new' Leighton House and celebrate next year 🎉🎉.

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